Thursday, April 8, 2010

Effects of Cold War on America Today

The Cold War had many effects on America. Today, April 8, 2010, President Obama signed an agreement with the Russians to cut on the threats of both nations great amounts of weapons. Their has been tension between the Russians and the US ever since the Cold War. Both of these nations have a power militarily. The Russians and the Americans, both, have many weapons that could do great damage. Another effect on America was technology. During the Cold War, the tension between the US and Russia was so great, that both countries were trying to one-up each other at everything. The Russians launched Sputnik, the first satelite, into space. America, not wanting to look scientifically inept, fought back by sending the first men to the moon. These constant fights sparked America to put more effort into education, and that is exactly what they did. This lead to Americans realizing that the more you put into education, the more you get out. That spark during the war lead the US into the era of technology and education, and the war is why we still have both of those things present in the US today.


  1. Nice use of current events. Shows good knowledge of global issues, and presents an unbiased view on the START treaty.

  2. I like how you gave specific effects of the Cold War and explained them thoroughly.

  3. Good word choice. I understood how the cold war effects us today.

  4. Good job, abbyb! :) i like how you explained the examples you chose to write about. I understood the effect of the war that you wrote about and learned about the technological advancements that still affect us today.

  5. Saved my ass today in history class

  6. it's spelled satellite** but good information thanks!!
