Thursday, April 8, 2010

USA: What were they thinking?!

During the Cold War, the goal of the US was to conntain Communism. They didn't want the Soviets fierce Communist ways to spread to other countries. The US interfered in Korea and China as well as many other places to try and stop other countries from becoming Communists nations as well. The US even sided with brutal leaders over Communist leaders, desperate to stop the flow of Communism that was engulfing


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Abby, you have such a direct way of saying things and I love it. You don’t waste your time with too many words, but you get your point across only saying what you need to say. You are completely right. You should not side with another person just because they are against your enemy.

  3. Abby,
    I like how you got right to the point of what the ultimate goal of the United States plan was which was containment. I also liked when you said, "The US even sided with brutal leaders over Communist leaders, desperate to stop the flow of Communism".

  4. Thanks KD! Yeah I do tend to get straight to the point.

    Thanks Shelby!

  5. Your outlook on the US's way are very direct and smart. I like how you put all of that into words. I agree that the US interfered with Korea and China.
